1F, Faculty of Music Bldg. No. 2,
Tokyo University of the Arts
12-8 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, TOKYO 110-8714 JAPAN
Tel : +81-(0)50-5525-2358 (Mon., Wed., Fri.)
Fax: +81-(0)3-5685-7784 (Shared)
Available Services
Many of the materials in the archive are available for viewing upon request. However, please note that some materials cannot be viewed due to their condition and/or nature. Viewing requests must be completed either by phone or filling out an inquiry form on the Geidai Archives homepage at least one week before viewing.
*(Other dates and times are negotiable)
*(Excluding year-end/New Year holidays, March, August, and the entrance exam period)
History of the Archives
In 2009, a special room was allocated to store and analyze historical documents related to the Faculty of Music called, ‘Compilation Room for the Academic History of the Faculty of Music’. Specifically, this room stored the documents used for the six volumes on music published by Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai) in 1981–2004 entitled, “100 Years of Tokyo University of the Arts”, as well as newly collected documents. In May 2011, the university established the Geidai Archive Center and, from April 2016, this room became part of the ‘Tokyo University of the Arts Archive Center’. This then became the Geidai Archives (Historical Documents Section) of the Faculty of Music’s ‘Music Research Center’ and, on 1 April 2017, the cabinet office’s notification no. 533 designated this archive as a ‘Historical Documents etc. Storage Facility’.
The Role and Collections of the Archives
In recent years, increasing interest in the history of this university has brought about a great demand for research relating to the history of Geidai, as well as the number of related undergraduate, master, and doctoral theses is also on an upward trend at both Geidai and other universities. This room supports scholarly studies while also cooperating with various other activities—including concert planning and the production of television programmes, dramas, and documentary films—and is becoming one of the university’s bases for transmitting information.
The main materials archived here are official documents, photographs, concert-related documents, and recordings of interviews with alumni and staff, and concerts etc. of the Tokyo Academy of Music. The donated materials that belonged to staff and alumni, and others connected with the history of the university, include concert documents, autograph scores of compositions, lecture notes, books and music scores, photographs, recordings, and so on. In addition to public documents that serve as research materials, digital images of items like the original manuscript of Kōsaku Yamada’s autobiography and Yoshimoto Kōzō’s photographs of the Russo-Japanese Naval Battle are being made public.

Music Investigation Committee (Ongaku Torishirabe Kakari) October 1879–
Tokyo Academy of Music (Tokyo Ongaku Gakko) October 1887–
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Faculty of Music May 1949–
Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music April 2004–
The Geidai Archives asks for the donations of badges, uniforms, and school caps from the time of Tokyo Academy of Music, and also lecture notes, photographs of school life, and the like from the Tokyo Academy of Music and Faculty of Music.
The Geidai Archives (Historical Document Room) facility is used to both preserve and give public access to the university’s historical materials, such as official documents that were created by the Music Investigation Committee, Tokyo Academy of Music and the Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music, as well as donated materials.
Carrying the motto of, ‘Archives equally friendly to both people and materials’, our goal is to contribute domestically and internationally as an institution of cultural dissemination, focusing on the collection, storage, and public release of historical materials relating to both the university itself, as well as modern Japanese music history as a whole.