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【お知らせ】 7月26日〜9月30日は、夏季休業のため閉室いたします。ご連絡は10月1日以降にお願い致します。






① 閲覧希望の方は2週間前までにお問合せください。
② 一度に請求できる資料は10点までです。




Please consult the associated forms to use when contacting us regarding the following: “Information Relating to Browsing and Conducting Research”, “On Desired Materials for Inspection” and “Date and Time you Desire to Visit our Office”.


(1) Please inquire at least two weeks in advance if you wish to view the exhibition.

(2) You can only request up to 10 documents at one time.


◆Please check the list of materials (as Excel files “List of Donated Materials 寄贈資料リストデータ” and “List of Items in Archives 所蔵資料リストデータ”) found within the 【Archives 所蔵史料】 button at the top page of our website.

◆When you visit us, we ask for your cooperation in checking your temperature and physical condition, disinfecting your hands, and wearing a mask on the day of your visit.